Posts tagged “satire

Don Lemon Logic

I spent the greater part of Sunday jumping on the twitter hash tag of #donlemonlogic because of some comments that he made on CNN. In a nutshell, he said that agreed with Bill O’Reilly on various issues of race in this society. He also eluded to fact of reclaiming the term “uncle Tom” as well as saying that using correct grammar and not sagging would better the situation of black men within our social construct.

This is the problem that I have. As someone who has been one of those tokenized Black people that White people felt safe around, because I spoke proper English and didn’t listen to rap music. As I got older, I began to call the non-ethnics out on their bullshit which has caused some self victories and well as some losses. I’ve lost some friends along the way and that’s fine.

It’s not that easy for black people to assimilate into the systems that have excluded them for years. Don Lemon needs some type of reality check sooner rather than later. As far as the twitter hash tag, the white people and the coons that protect them are not pleased.

White Girls

So as a black woman in the LGBT community, I have this on and off again conflict within myself with wanting engage in relationships with white women. The reasons are very simple… My bubbly positive not giving a fuck side thinks that I should go for it while my militant black nationalist side warns me to beware of the she-beast.

When I was a youth, I would always make these inappropriate shock valuesque statements about how I was going to marry Lindsay Lohan (per-drugs and tragedy) and run away happily ever after. This was also during a time in which I was entering an arena where I surrounded myself with “radical” people of colour that were NOT having that. Whilst learning about deconstructing oppressive systems within a social construct, it was made clear that there was no room for lusting after the oppressors female counterpart.

I began to tap into my internalised racism and constantly ask myself why I would want to be with a white woman over a woman of colour and of course the reasons were based on unsubstantiated stereotypes and media images as a result of a Eurocentric dominated world.

Now these days, I’m revisiting this subject in a somewhat tongue in cheek type of way where I use the stereotypes of white women as a way to justify my overall decisions as far as looking for potential girlfriends. Some of the reasons I came up with are:

A white woman will make me my favourite food when I’m feeling down.

A white woman would take the occasional trip to the comic book store or go with me to buy video games a d at least pretend to be interested.

A white woman will be able to get us a cab in a timely manner should we ever visit New York on holiday.

She will also respect my gender expression.

She also won’t make fun of me for loving George Michael so much.

Even my brother made the suggestion to me not too long ago that i shod find a nice white woman who will appreciate things as opposed to the women that i have been engaging with over the last year. I will keep revisiting this subject as the days progress, since this is merely an introduction to an ongoing theme.