Don Lemon Logic

I spent the greater part of Sunday jumping on the twitter hash tag of #donlemonlogic because of some comments that he made on CNN. In a nutshell, he said that agreed with Bill O’Reilly on various issues of race in this society. He also eluded to fact of reclaiming the term “uncle Tom” as well as saying that using correct grammar and not sagging would better the situation of black men within our social construct.

This is the problem that I have. As someone who has been one of those tokenized Black people that White people felt safe around, because I spoke proper English and didn’t listen to rap music. As I got older, I began to call the non-ethnics out on their bullshit which has caused some self victories and well as some losses. I’ve lost some friends along the way and that’s fine.

It’s not that easy for black people to assimilate into the systems that have excluded them for years. Don Lemon needs some type of reality check sooner rather than later. As far as the twitter hash tag, the white people and the coons that protect them are not pleased.

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