Posts tagged “haters

Hating Ass Bitches

I’m thankful for hating ass bitches. You know the ones that have opinions to things that have nothing to do with them when it concerns you. The ones that always have some shit to say that is irrelevant on all levels. The ones who have two cents to hypocritical ass nonsense. The ones that have nothing important to add. Hating ass bitches inspire me to be great. Sign your name on the dotted line so I can make a point not to like you.

I’ve met a lot of these bitches throughout my life. It’s amusing to me. There was this one bitch in particular from my youth that was a straight up hater. She had a lot of internalized issues that never got resolved and she always felt some kind of way. We had a falling out because she called herself being offended because I said that the butch/femme dichotomy perpetuates heterosexism. I knew she wasn’t shit and for that experience I laugh. It has inspired me to do better.